Your Support is Making a Difference
Stories of Support
Thanks to your support, we continue to make an ever-increasing impact at Portage District General Hospital, Douglas Campbell Lodge, and Regency House. And we want to keep you apprised of our projects, events, and donation allocations, as well as the progress of the brand-new hospital. There are so many positive stories to share, and we hope you check back often to learn about new ways in which we’re making a difference together.

Foundation and Friends
New Hospital Build Update
Find the most recent photos of the new hospital build below.
Architects excited about new Portage hospital
People in Portage la Prairie have been asking if the new Portage District General Hospital will perform well, meeting the needs of the community now, and in the future. According to the architects working on the project, they believe the answer is a resounding yes....
First view of new Portage hospital
Work is already underway to make room for the new Portage la Prairie District General Hospital. The project is a much-anticipated effort first proposed by the hospital Foundation's executive Director Tara Pettinger. The plans for the site include 40 per cent of the...