You spoke, they heard, and $5-Million going toward MRI unit

Jul 15, 2024

It was announced Friday, June 14, that the Portage District General Hospital Foundation (PDGH) is doing something about seeing an MRI unit in the new hospital build.

Executive Director Tara Pettinger says the Foundation has listened intently to the community, its donors, and local healthcare providers and acknowledges the strong desire for an MRI at the new Portage Regional Health Centre. She explains that the board also aligns with Manitoba Health’s goal to make it easier for every Manitoban to access healthcare at every level, regardless of where they live.

“The PDGH Foundation is proud to make a commitment of $5M to help secure an MRI at the new Portage Regional Health Centre,” says Pettinger.

Tara Pettinger by drawing of new hospital


“It is important to minimize barriers when seeking healthcare,” notes Board Chair Dale Lyle. “That is why our Board works collaboratively with Southern Health-Santé Sud to provide funding for projects and equipment not funded by the government. Our goal is to support the Portage Regional Health Centre in providing MRI scans to those in the region while staying close to home.”

Pettinger adds, “The community has supported fundraisers and made donations to the Foundation for many years. We use the funds raised to help meet the healthcare needs of patients and provide enhancements to the hospital. We look to our donors and local healthcare providers for direction. We have heard loud and clear that an MRI is needed.”

She added purchasing equipment like an MRI scanner is extremely costly. However, Pettinger explains the board is confident if additional funds are required, the community will rally behind the PDGH’s fundraising efforts.

“This initial $5M commitment toward an MRI for the new Portage Regional Health Centre is substantial, and we look forward to discussions with Southern Health Santé-Sud and Manitoba Health to determine how to work together to make this a reality.”